Improvised Music and Decolonisation

Data & Privacy

As part of our research, we conduct interviews with musicians and other people involved in Dutch musical life. We also organise discussion evenings such as our series on “Stiltes in de Muziek” in collaboration with ZOJazz Stage.

Audio recordings of these interviews and discussions, as well as photographs of the events, are stored safely in UU’s data management system YODA. This data is encrypted and only findable and accessible to the participating researchers on the project, with valid log-ins, passwords and two-factor authentication.

Quotes and paraphrases from these interviews and discussions will be used in academic contexts, which includes research publications and academic presentations at conferences, as well as academic teaching contexts such as lectures. Edited versions of the recordings from discussion evenings will be made publicly available as podcasts, so as to further improve the public outreach of our research.

Invited participants in interviews and discussion evenings will be given an information sheet about the purpose, storage, and use of the data that we gather. They are able to give or withhold their permission for the use of this data in different contexts. Due to the nature of our research, it is not possible to anonymise these data completely without losing their scientific value.

For audience members at the discussion evenings we organise, who may want to ask questions or share their own stories, it is not possible to hand everyone information sheets and permission forms. We will therefore refer the audience to this webpage for more information. Our policy is to be hesitant about including the personal data (such as questions, statements, or stories) in academic or public contexts, and to always anonymise this data as best we can. Should you want more information about our data management policies, or to object to the use of your data in our outputs, please contact Floris Schuiling.